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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Firchau Language Arts: Log Cabin

In chapter one of the novel, The Sign of the Beaver, Matt has given readers a vivid description of the construction and appearance of the log cabin he has built with his father. Using that description as inspiration and a guide, the students have been given the challenge of creating a model log cabin.

The cabin is to placed on a base (plot of land) NO LARGER than twelve inches by twelve inches square. The plot may be made of posterboard, cardboard, plywood, etc.... anything sturdy enough to support the cabin. The project is to be constructed completely of FOUND OBJECTS ... nothing needs to be purchased. Please, no Lincoln Logs, plastic toys/figurines. Credit will be given for creative effort!!!

In the interest of authenticity, I expressed my desire to have the studentss use as many found objects as possible to construct their cabin. Using twigs/sticks is preferable to dowels, or Lincoln Logs, or popsicle sticks because it challenges the students to be creative in the collection and construction of their cabin. Please, don't use army men, plastic horses, etc. In the past, students have expressed the enjoyment they've experienced in making add-ons out of wood, clay, etc. As the rubric states, these things are preferred and will be given higher marks than the plastic or manufactured alternative.

Please understand that I'm not looking for extravagance, but rather an authentic learning experience. The detail provided in chapter one of The Sign of the Beaver is extensive in its description of the crude, though effective shelter.

Here are some SUGGESTIONS for materials ...
• painted clay
• plant-carrying flat

• fallen tree branches/twigs

• twigs/branches/sticks

• clay
• mud
• flour and water paste

• branches
• pine boughs
• straw

• wood scraps

• stones/pebbles
• twigs/branches/sticks
• clay

• oiled paper

Full points will be given for the care taken in following criteria ...
Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways to make them even better.

Great care taken in the construction process making the finished product neat, attractive, and according to instructions given.

Three extras (such as people, animals, furniture, tools) were added to make the cabin more realistic and eye-catching.