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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Firchau: Social Studies (Week of November 14 and November 21)

This week we will continue our exploration of Native Americans and their interaction with their environment.

I can …
create time lines and identify possible relationships between events.

I can …
explain how American Indians settled the continent and why different nations of Indians interacted with their environment in different ways.

explain why European countries explored and colonized North America.

describe the lasting effects of Spanish, French and English colonization in North America including cultural patterns evident today such as language, food, traditions and architecture.

explain how the United States became independent from Great Britain.

I can …
explain the impact of settlement, industrialization and transportation on the expansion of the United States.

People in Societies
I can …
compare the cultural practices and products of diverse groups in North America including:
a. Artistic expressions;
b. Religion;
c. Language;
d. Food;
e. Clothing;
f. Shelter.

Word Study format
Students will use this format to deepen their understanding of vocabulary.

Word study:
• Context: (the source/sentence where the word was found/used)
• Meaningful definition: (in your own words)
• Synonym
• Antonym
• Analogy/association/illustration (choose one)

Here is an example of how to use the format …

origin stories
- “Most Native Americans tell origin stories to explain where they came from.” (pg. 21)
- The origin of something is where it begins.
- source, beginning
- goal, end, prediction, prophecy
- origin story : beginning :: prediction : end

Section 2.1 - 2.3
• origin stories
• migrate
- migrants
- migration
- migration routes

Section 2.4 - 2.5
• environments
• adapt
- adaptations
• goddesses
• big game
• grasslands
• deserts
• mountains
• arctic ice fields
• driftwood

• process of revolution
- change
- adapt
- culture
- sophistication

• Introduce and discuss vocabulary and word study format.
• Read, take notes on sections 2.1 - 2.3 in History Alive!.
• Complete word study for sections 2.1 - 2.3

• Review word study
• Discuss sections 2.1 - 2.3
• Read, take notes on sections 2.4 - 2.5 in History Alive!.
• Complete word study for section 2.4 - 2.5

• Review word study
• Discuss sections 2.4 - 2.5
• Complete word study for The Process of Revolution

• Summary activity in Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)

• States test (South, #!)

MONDAY (11.21)
• Review chapter 2, Native Americans and Their Land

TUESDAY (11.22)
• Unit Test, chapter 2, Native Americans and Their Land