Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mrs. Hoge's Language Arts ~ Week of December 5th

We'll be reading The Redheaded League, adapted from a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  This story is a mystery and is written in a play format, which the students will enjoy.

Vocabulary and Spelling Words:
1. criminal
2. identity
3. perplexing
4. reputation
5. examines
6. bizarre
7. encyclopedia
8. force
9. detective
10. notorious
11. speculate
12. reveal
13. assistant
14. president
15. dialogue
16. league
17. mystery
18. resist
19. conclude
20. confirm

Bonus - literature

Thursday, 12/1 - Parts of speech and word meanings in class.  Look for words in print media for homework or cut out letters to make words. An example will be shown in class.  Bring magazines and newspapers to class from home so we may complete this assignment.  Due 12/7
Friday, 12/2 - Review parts of speech and word meanings.  Begin word study boxes in class.
Monday, 12/5 - Finish word boxes in class finding synonyms and antonyms and creating analogies for each. Choose 10 words from list to write in sentences for homework.  Each sentence should contain at least 10 words and include descriptive language.  Due Tuesday.
Tuesday, 12/6 - Use the remaining words in a word search puzzle that includes a key.  Will be started in class and finished for homework.
Wednesday, 12/7 - Whiteboard practice in class.  Study words at home to prepare for test.
Thursday, 12/8  TEST!

Writing/Grammar - DLR and mini writing assignments focusing on vivid language.