Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mrs. Hoge ~ Language Arts ~ Weeks of March 12th and 19th

Number the Stars reading Projects are due Monday.  Project presentations will take place Monday, and if needed, continued on Tuesday.  Students should be sure to have their work turned in on time.  We'll be exploring figurative language this week and next using the story The Bunyans from our Scholastic Literacy Place reading program as well as the picture book Pecos Bill by Steven Kellogg to demonstrate the concept.  Vocabulary to know: hyperbole, personification, alliteration, idiom, metaphor, and simile.  Students will be completing flip books in class that detail each type of figurative language learned providing the meaning and illustrating an example.

Writing and Grammar
We'll be writing examples of different examples of figurative language as well as continuing independent writing projects, incorporating vivid descriptions as we write.  We're learning to identify the "big ideas" found in different reading selections to better enable us to write summaries.  Identifying cause and effect will be a focus this week.  

Our list consists of the following homophones:
1. their
2. there
3. they're
4. heir
5. air
6. grate
7. great
8. aisle
9. isle
10. I'll
11. wave
12. waive
13. weak
14. week
15.  it's
16. its
17. our
18. hour
19. seam
20. seem
BONUS: homophone

The spelling/vocabulary test will be Monday, March 19th.