Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mrs. Hoge - Language Arts - January 4th ~ 12th

Happy New Year!!  Hope the holiday season was especially memorable for all of you!

Our spelling and vocabulary this week and next will be derived from a reading selection from our Literacy Place Reading program titled Number the Stars by Lois Lowery.  We will be reading an excerpt from the historical fiction novel this week before beginning our novel study towards the middle of next week.  The story is a Newbery award winning novel about the deep friendship between two families in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Johansens and the Rosens. The Johansens risk their lives to help the Rosens, who are Jewish, escape relocation at the hands of the Nazis during the occcupation of Denmark in 1943. The story is told through the eyes of young Annemarie Johansen as she describes the events she and her best friend, Ellen Rosen, and the two families must endure to escape Nazi persecution.

1.  courageous           
2.  innocent                       
3.  endure           
4.  Europe
5.  Denmark                        
6.  Danish                        
7.  Jewish                        
8.  Nazi
9.  persecuting           
10.  occupation          
11.  relocation
12.  rationed
13.  soldiers                        
14.  rescue                        
15.  foreign                        
16.  beliefs
17.  scarce                        
18.  urgently      
19.  frantically           
20.  religion
Bonus:  belligerently

Wednesday, January 4th - Homework: Write words in agenda correctly and have a parent check/sign.  Identify each word's part of speech.
Thursday,  January 5th Choose 10 words to write in sentences based on the context of the story.  As we read, keep track of word meanings in composition books. Sentences are due Friday.
Friday, January 6th Complete a word search puzzle in class, with key, using the remaining 10 words from list.  Study words over the weekend.  Have agenda signed.
Monday, January 9th Write an original short story using 15 of your spelling words. Due Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 10th In class review for test tomorrow.

Please ask your child to share with you what we are reading in class.  Better yet, check the book out at the library so you can read what we're reading.  There are also several other Holocaust stories, some biographies, but most historical fiction, in our classroom library, told through the eyes of a child.

We'll be journal writing in response to our literature selection and will be completing quick writes on a variety of topics.

As always, please check your child's agenda each night.