Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mrs. Hoge ~ Language Arts ~ Week of February 20th

We are continuing our novel, Number the Stars by Lois Lowery.  Students will be reading and discussing chapters 11-12 this week during class.  We'll be discussing plot, character traits, and main ideas presented in the novel.

Students will be writing responses to literature in their composition books and posing questions they have for the main characters.  Our focus this week is on main idea and supporting details. For our grammar focus we will be studying subject and object pronouns and the appropriate usage of each type.


Spelling and vocabulary words from chapters 11-12 in Number the Stars:
1. balance
2.  stumble
3.  quiet
4.  movement
5. casket
6.  confusion
7.  horizon
8.  exhausted
9.  imitating
10.  unfamiliar
11. desperately
12.  position
13.  winced
14.  invisible
15.  anxious*
16.  commotion
17.  tense
18.  stricken
19.  gnarled
20.  answer
Bonus:  perilous*
*   some words are repeated from previous lists

Wednesday, February 22 ~ Choose 10 words to write in descriptive sentences.  Write the remaining 11 words in alphabetical order.
Thursday:  February 23 ~ Complete word boxes in class to better understand the meaning of each word.
Friday, February 24 ~ Complete word clues to share in class.  Students will write the meaning of each spelling word and then work with a partner to practice for the test next week.
Monday,  February 27 ~ word search puzzles completed in class
Tuesday, February 28 ~ Spelling practice in class
Wednesday, February 29 ~ Spelling test

Please check your child's agenda each night for additional assignments.