Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Corven's Literature Group - Week of April 30th

We continue our study of Island of the Blue Dolphins. Chapters 6-9 will be our reading focus this week. The students will be meeting in small groups to discuss and write about situations that cause great sadness. This emotion is an important theme of the story.

The students will respond in writing to journal prompts and comprehension questions this week in class.

The students will have a spelling/vocabulary quiz on Wednesday over the words from last week. Please see your child's agenda or last week's blog for the word list. The spelling and definition of the following words will be assessed next Wednesday, May 9th.
          anchored, beckon, gorge, abalone, nettles, mesa, retreat, vow, league, forbade