Welcome to the Big Walnut Elementary 5th Grade website!All assignments are grouped by teacher and are organized in descending order.

Monday, August 22, 2011


WOW! It has been a wonderful summer. We can't wait for school to start!

School starts WEDNESDAY!!!

Here's the schedule for our students ...

8:50 – Students arrive

9:00 – Tardy bell; morning news begins

9:00-9:40 – Special
The special schedule will start on Thursday, August 25, which is a "B" day. Students will go through the Special classes on a three day rotation. The schedule for each homeroom is as follows ...

Corven: A: Art, B: Music, C: P.E.

Hoge: A, P.E., B: Art, C: Music

Firchau: A: Music; B: Gym; C: Art

The fifth grade will use the restroom after each special class.

Each day the students will rotate through Math, Science, and Social Studies on the following schedule ...

9:50-10:40 – Block 1

10:40-11:30 – Block 2

11:30-12:20 – Block 3

12:20-12:30 – Back to homeroom

12:30-1:15 – Lunch/Recess (Restroom afterward)

1:15-1:30 – Silent Reading

1:30-3:00 – Language Arts

3:00-3:30 – Study Hall

3:35 – Noah’s Ark, Learning Center, walkers, parent pick-up
3:37 – bus riders

Keep reading, enjoy the beautiful weather.

We will look forward to seeing you on Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 1, from 5-5:45 or 6-6:45!

A consolidated 5th grade website is currently under construction and will be working as soon as possible.

Mrs. Corven, Mrs. Hoge, Mr. Firchau